Client Love

Sound Healing

The sound healing journey offered by Lucinda is a truly unique, uplifting and enriching experience that gently touches on the unconscious. Lucinda creates a safe and nurturing space and utilises a wide variety of wonderful instruments to make this experience memorable.

Anne Hymer

Lucinda is beautiful soul who shows passion (compassion) love and interest in the world of her clients.

Lucinda was able to take me out of myself and provide a gentle relaxing atmosphere – her voice both while speaking and in song is soothing.

This was an enriching experience achieved via the internet (something I may have not been originally convinced was possible).

Lucinda handled the sound levels and instruments beautifully.

Jennie C

What a blessing this session was last week!!!

THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER for being gracious enough to extend this treatment to me.

I really appreciated it and have felt it’s wonderful effects ever since for sure!

I LOOOOOOOVED the divine intervention that God orchestrated in your choosing the word “Maranatha” and have used that again and again in the last week as a motivator and encouragement (as well as my intention – soooooo good!!!)!!!


I was blessed to have a session in sound healing with Lucinda as she was completing her practitioner training. 

All I can say is WOW! If she is that good as a student, she will blow your socks off once graduated. 

I left our session, refreshed, balanced and my body pain was nil. I felt safe and supported.

I was able to speak with no worries about being judged.

I felt like I had been reconnected back into ancient wisdom which will support me to welcome in more abundance and joy and serve at a greater level.

Trudi Pavlovsky

I had never had a sound healing experience before and was feeling really excited for what it may be like.

Lucinda’s calm and open energy allowed for me to fully immerse in the experience.

She tailor-made the intention for our session to suit what it is we are all working towards and that felt really special.

I really enjoyed the session and felt so relaxed and in a state of peace when it ended.

Thank you to Lucinda, sound healing is definitely something I will add to my self-care toolkit.

Chay Bachar

Life Coach

I really enjoyed the atmosphere Lucinda created in setting up the session, the variation in beautiful sounds, the singing voice and the deep relaxation it created.

I felt safe and sound.


I would recommend anyone giving sound healing meditations a try.

Sometimes you never know if something will help until you try it for yourself, and being guided through the process using sound healing techniques is a gentle yet powerful way to release redundant old thought patterns that can block us from moving forward in life with ease.


Lucinda is a highly skilled and caring practitioner.

The sound healing sessions with her were a true delight.

They were relaxing and releasing, affirming and strengthening, and most insightful… exactly what I needed to support me through a major life transition.

I would highly recommend Lucinda’s sound-healing sessions to others so they too can benefit.

Jacqui Bohuslav-Andrews

I was happy to help Lucinda with her studies. Despite the time difference we found a time when we were both awake.

Arranging the session was easy and I arranged a quiet space in the house. It was good to have a definite time to hold the session as life is very busy and being disciplined enough to make the time is often difficult.

I found the session relaxing as it allowed me to clear my head of clutter thoughts and let me concentrate on the issues I was having that were causing me stress.

After the session I was more able to structure my day to become more effective and less stressful.


I met Lucinda in early 2020 and was fortunate to embark on a sound healing journey with her. We have shared many moments together, first as sound healing students, then as fully certified practitioners.

We have connected both face-to-face and online, exchanging and expanding our love for sound healing with each other and many other people.

I have received both one-on-one and group sessions from Lucinda and have been amazed by her natural gift for it. Lucinda is a talented practitioner with an ability to intuitively connect with me and to bring me to a deeply relaxed and rejuvenating inner space.

She is genuine and gentle in her approach and I fully entrust myself in her capable hands. I leave every session with new insights, a lightness in my body and a joy in my heart.

I thoroughly enjoy receiving sound healing from Lucinda and warmly recommend her to anyone who would like to discover this wonderful modality.

Nina Hakamies

Sound Healing Practitioner

Lucinda’s sound healing sessions were a delight to receive.

They supported me to surrender, realign and recharge my depleted energy systems whilst I was undergoing a challenging time in my life.

Thank you, Lucinda.


The session was set up to feel very safe and contained so I knew what to expect.

I liked that it reached me on a deeper level and it was very relaxing.


I wanted to take part to see if it could improve my mental state as life was quite stressful at that time. The session was very helpful giving me time to relax, unwind and to destress.

After my session I found that I was better able to focus using some of the tips given, which I now use daily.

I suffer from misophonia and find it difficult to listen to some sounds. Lucinda adapted my session so no sounds were uncomfortable.


The Sound Healing sessions have been a deeply relaxing experience.

It is wonderful to hear all the different sounds from various instruments and to notice how my body and mind reacted to each.

The tuning fork was my favourite as it seemed to almost instantly quieten my mind and take me down to a different level.

Lucinda’s gentle chanting was sublime, helping to further take me to a safe and calm space.

I would highly recommend Lucinda’s Sound Healing session for deep relaxation and insights into the self.


reviews and kind words

I felt that I was in such a safe and nurtured space that was provided by Lucinda.

This allowed me to receive the sound healing and feel the energy being shared. This was very special.

I loved the various use of instruments, and when Lucinda started chanting, my whole state changed. It felt so loving and nurturing, like being sung a lullaby when a child. I felt really at peace.

The warmth that was felt within the session and the nurturing feeling was quite special.

Thank you, Lucinda, for holding space for me this morning.

The session flowed beautifully and was a delight to receive.


I am fortunate to be participating in Lucinda’s The Changing Times Roadmap program.

Through Lucinda’s sound healing, coaching and facilitating campfire sessions, I am already feeling incredible emotional, mental and physical shifts and cleansing with challenges, obstacles and outmoded beliefs.

Most days now, I feel incredibly lighter, centred and grounded in my body.

The Sound Healing session feels profound in the way sounds of the instruments, voice and silence move within and awaken active visualisations, tension points and energy blockages held in the mind, body, soul, spirit and chakras.

The healing experience is gentle, nurturing and safe in that memories, attachments, toxicities release when ready from wherever they are held.

Each time I feel restored and renewed and feel incredible gratitude for Lucinda’s Sound Healing and The Changing Times Roadmap program.


Sound, vibration and healing.

Today the session helped me to focus on the intention, move to another state of consciousness and release pain that was trapped in my body.

I love the beach and going there was my safe place, in which I could listen and experience energy that enabled me to move to a better place.

Thank you, Lucinda you are always amazing in everything you do.

 Lynette Norton

I loved the way Lucinda was easy to talk to and gentle in her approach.

The sound that she created both with her instruments and voice took me off somewhere and immersed me into a safe place.

The mantras that she used were both lovely, reassuring and as I found out in our final discussion relevant to my intention.

I definitely would like to have more sessions with Lucinda. I truly loved it.


If you have an hour to spare, I highly recommend that you try doing a sound healing session.

The session is a relaxing place just to be in and the sounds from every instrument are very lovely.

After each session, I always feel refreshed and ready to tackle my day.

It has helped me become more self-aware.

And it has greatly affected me on a spiritual, mental, physical and emotional level.

I really look forward to doing more sound healing sessions. 🙂


Having been able to join Lucinda on a handful of sound experiences (journeys) I feel so blessed to be able to drop in for the sound bath sessions on a Friday afternoon … for me what better way to release the tensions that can so often build during the week and serenely drifting off to a calm peaceful space.

I always leave these sessions feeling renewed and refreshed… ready to “start again” as it were.

And in line with my own personal rituals an important part of becoming a better version of myself.

 Jennie Culic

The Changing Times Roadmap helps me see the wisdom in the direction I am going.


I was in a phase of overcoming a few blocks that were stopping me from achieving my goals.

Part of what I felt I needed to do in order to release the blocks was committing to my self-care around health issues and making time for myself to do the healing work I needed to regain clarity and focus.

The short sessions each week and keeping a journal were really good for keeping track of the growth that, had I not have written down, would be a moment of rapid healing easily forgotten about.

You can only know if sound healing is something that might work for you by giving it a go. And Lucinda offering a 4-week Inner Journey at the extremely low price makes it affordable to everyone.


Lucinda, thank you for the incredible sound healing session!!

I felt so peaceful and calm and warm and safe and relaxed during the session with you and the following days and weeks since have felt more grounded and centred and supported.

I loved the Mantra you gave me to recite/chant and have been using that to affirm the beautiful high vibrational forces that were abundant in the session.

Looking forward to coming along for regular sessions in the future!

Thank you! Namaste!

Caddy (Mother, Singer Songwriter, Clinical Pastoral Carer)

I can honestly say I have experienced significant shifts since embarking on Sound Healing Sessions with Lucinda.

For me it is an experiential healing difficult to explain from my mind, but I will try.

Swirling Power the Raven is cawing, mother nurturing cocoon bathed in beautiful sounds returning to my presence, BEING here now.

Learned conditioned patterns absorbed by the collective unconscious dissolving & power awakening within me & as the baby bird I feel very safe with the Sound Maker who is Lucinda 🙏❤️THANK YOU

Sally Lawrence

My sound healing session with Lucinda was pure magic!

It was gentle, revealing, & encouraging.

The way Lucinda used creative methods + tools to produce sound AND used the in between spaces for silence to guide our time together was exquisitely simplistic + absolutely wonderful.

It left me feeling both calmed & energised all at once.

In addition, her way of drawing out my intention at the beginning enabled me to enjoy the entire process with a clear direction yet not feeling forced at all.

I am so happy to have experienced this safe container with Lucinda and can’t wait to try it again!

Kyle Moss, Joyful Mindset Coach

Lucinda’s Earth Mother Sound Healing Chakra Series is an invitation into soul and the sacredness of everyday living.

Lucinda creates a respectful, gentle, encouraging and healing space that facilitates an environment to learn and enter within each Chakra at one’s own pace. It was interesting to learn about the function and attunement of each chakra and simple practices that can be done to centre and realign the chakras when out of balance.

Through the meditation and sound healing I entered a deeper space of relaxation that enabled me to open to images, feelings, guidance, and insights. As the sounds vibrated through me, I felt physical tensions and emotional toxins release, negative thoughts dissolve and restore my sense of wellbeing in my body.

The final session in the series was an alignment and healing of all the chakras and I felt lighter, joyful, loved, and renewed in heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit.

Thank you, Lucinda, for sharing and teaching the ancient healing of sound and voice and evoking one to discover these sounds and rhythms within ourselves and the heartbeat of the Cosmic Divine.

Clare Woods