Lucinda Curran... Lucinda & Mia

While my work is about you, I also recognise that you’ll want to get to know me, so here goes.

I am a Coach and Sound Healer and I support people over 45 to –

Embrace who they are –
quirks and all! 

Instead of trying to “fix” things or change to be accepted by others, accepting ourselves as we are is so liberating and opens us up to a whole new range of possibilities.

Navigate life transitions.

It is such a privilege to support my clients in finding a way through all of the challenges that this stage of life presents.

Having someone by your side is so richly empowering.

Reevaluate life –
and get on the right track.

It is often during this stage of life we check in to see if we are really on track with our dreams and what we are doing is truly aligned.

You’ll know… because your heart sings!


Life Coaching

Life Coaching is a truly beautiful journey of self-discovery and deep transformations.

As your coach, I support you in setting relevant goals and travel beside you in achieving them, whilst giving you the nudge to go deeper to bring about lasting change…

Read more here.

Sound Healing

Sound Healing is a healing modality that utilises healing sounds from a variety of instruments to release energy and bring about deep transformations.

It is what I call a “no-talk therapy” and as your practitioner, I craft a session based on where you are at and what you would like to focus on.

Read more here.

If you’d like to explore my Radiant Harmony Program, where you can have both Life Coaching and Sound Healing, you can read more here.


My approach is gentle, direct and is always respectful.

I will support you in dropping out of your busy mind and into a more spiritual space where you can get back in touch with your inner guidance and follow your own path with confidence.

To serve you best, I draw on my training, intuition and guidance and cater to your unique needs.

The only thing that you can do about the future is to

make the present as wonderful as possible.

~ Lucinda Curran

The only thing you can do...

On a Personal Note 

I see the world through rainbow-coloured glasses, and spot golden linings on every cloud. I also have an attention to detail and I would also call myself “nerdy.”

When I lost my health (you can read about this here) I realised that there was something more important than health. What I did have was faith that I would recover and joy (special thanks to my beloved dogs).

Something I have only recently begun to share is that I’ve never felt that I “fitted in” anywhere. I’m quirky – and I am fine with it… Although I struggled as a teen and in my 20s to work out what I was meant to be, I gave up on that as it wasn’t working for me! (No surprises, hey?)

I’m an empathic and highly sensitive introvert, I notice obscure details, and I tend to see the world very differently from other people. 

True to form, as an INFJ I quest to understand others and the world around me.

I am deeply spiritual and am very drawn to earth medicine and healing. I often see through the layers and into the core of a person – which is always a real honour.

A belief I have held all my life is that anything and everything is possible. 

I spend a lot of my time caring for my elderly parents, supporting them in their winter years and ensuring that their wishes are carried out. 

I volunteer with Wildlife Australia as well as in an aged care setting.

Healing sounds, journaling, meditation, reading, and perceiving are tools I use on a daily basis to support my personal growth and development… which is incredibly important, as it means that I can support you in yours.

5 Fun Facts

fun facts -

Joy is the most essential emotion! Laughter is a big part of that.

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My favourite genres are Fantasy and Magic Realism.

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I’ve been incredibly camera-shy all my life. In fact, I’m generally shy.

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Nature nourishes me – my beloved Skye terriers, wildlife, gardening, cloud watching, trees, water.

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My happy place is in the state of wonder – the place where anything is possible.

Books I’ve Authored and Contributed to

Image of book cover for Change Your Life - Lucinda Curran


Image of book cover for Conversations About the Self - Lucinda Curran


Image of Conversations About Relationships - Lucinda Curran


Image of 2015 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium - Lucinda Curran


Image of 2016 Environmental Sensitivities Symposium - Lucinda Curran


2018 Activate Your Life Vol 1 - Lucinda Curran


Your potential is a garden...

Your potential is a garden waiting to bloom.

Nurture it with intention

and watch the miracles unfold.

Lucinda Curran

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