Lucinda Curran...hb

Proudly Supporting

I care very deeply about our planet and know how important it is to do all we can to give back – to reciprocate.

I therefore am proudly supporting our planet, and others in the following ways.

30% of all profits are donated to the following charities to support the work they do in caring for our beautiful and precious planet.

wildlife victoria (1)

Wildlife Victoria

I support Wildlife Victoria’s amazing work providing immediate care to wildlife, providing care until wildlife can be released back to their homes, training volunteers, and advocating for animal rights.

One Tree Planted

In partnership with One Tree Planted, we’re planting trees in various locations around the globe to help with reforestation, capture carbon emissions and provide habitat for wildlife.

scholarship donation

Over 45s Who Are Financially Struggling

As well, 30% of all profits are put into the Scholarship Fund to ensure those that need my support can get it – and so removing the financial barrier.

This is my way to build-in a pay-it-forward system.



If you’d also like to contribute, please click the relevant button below.

You can choose if you’d like the funds to go to either of the charities or into the scholarship fund so that I can support more people over 45.