About Me
In 9 Dot Points
- I’m an empathic and highly sensitive introvert
- I notice obscure details
- The way I view the world is very different from other people
- As an INFJ, I quest to understand others and the world around me
- I embrace my “nerdy” side and am also deeply spiritual
- I’m very drawn to the earth realm and its healing
- Seeing people’s soul seed is always a real honour
- My core belief: Anything and everything is possible.
- My core values: Joy, Courage and Empowerment
The Longer Version
For the first three decades of my life, I felt the pain of being different.
I never felt a sense of belonging, or that I fitted in.
I rarely felt that I was understood.
As a very young child, I wanted to be a gypsy – to travel around in a wagon, sleep under the stars, be with animals and nature, wear flowing colourful clothing and have a sense of freedom.
Even in my own family, I looked like a white sheep – all my brothers were swarthy with dark hair and dark brown eyes… and I was fair, with blonde hair and hazel eyes.
One thing we all have in common is that we’re all a bit quirky.
I remember someone saying to Mum, “All of your children are strange!” Mum was mortified. I saw it differently. The person who said it was not very nice, and if she was “normal”, I was very glad not to be!!
I was so shy as a child that I would hide from people all the time!
Even if that meant curling up in a ball in full sight so I couldn’t see them.
I struggled being around people, carefully watching for cues on how I was meant to respond.
Despite my shyness…
I’ve always had a strong belief that if you see a problem it is your responsibility to do something about it – thus have always been an advocate and a keen eye for fairness (true form of an INFJ 😉). I started petitioning the government for change at the age of eight!
In the last years of high school…
I learned to play the bass guitar from my friend Ross. He was like a guardian angel for me and helped me navigate those last few torturous years at school with such kindness and compassion. (Forever grateful for you, Ross!)
In my teens and twenties…
I tried so hard to figure out who I was meant to be. Ross has told me to be myself. But who was that? I really didn’t know.
What I did know was that I had a deep fear that people would see the real me and flee. I dreaded, yet longed for, connection – fearing that they’d see past my attempts to fit in and discover what lurked beneath. I spent a long time pretending to be something else.
As I got older…
I drifted amongst groups – always on the outskirts, watching, trying to find someone or something I could relate to. And so, I moved on.
I found a space to slot into for a bit. It was with a group of people who also didn’t fit in – the local punk and ska music scene. Punk was about non-conformism, and although I never felt that I was rebelling or fighting the system for the sake of it – I just knew that I didn’t fit into it. It warmed my heart to find others that also felt alienated, alone and separate.
To me, punk was about thinking for yourself, forming your own opinions and being yourself. That included not wearing the punk uniform of tartan, studs, mohawks and tattoos. It was the space that I began to relax into being me – and letting others see that. It was such a healing time.
All my life, I felt at home with animals and in nature…
I’ve been human to Skye terriers since 1995 – they’ve got such a unique temperament.
Here are some of my beloved pups (including my first dog, an Australian Silky Terrier).
Feeling like a drifter, I felt no need to conform to any set way.
I began gardening and growing my own food because I wanted to live sustainably.
I followed my love of essential oils, nutrition and veganism to support my health and those around me.
My home always had a gypsy flair to it and I set it up in a way that felt good to me.
Always being fascinated by different possibilities…
Study has always been a huge part of my life. I love learning and understanding new and different ways. I find this so comforting and stimulating for my mind – sitting in a space of pondering the unknown is one of my happy places. (You can see my qualifications here.)
Since my 40s…
I really have come to embrace who I am.
I am quirky, weird, different… and 100% fine with it!
The first time in my life that I felt truly understood was when I met my now-husband. It was a totally new experience for me to be seen and cherished for who I am.
Not long after, I became very sick – experiencing environmental sensitivities (meaning I almost needed to be a bubble girl).
This experience made me realise that being different was a gift as it meant I could do what I believed in, that I was more resilient (after many traumatic years of not being accepted) and that I had the courage to climb out on a limb and stand up for those who didn’t have a voice, and push for recognition and change. I never fitted in, so I had nothing to lose by standing up for what I believed in. [So liberating!!]
In this time, I realised that joy and hope were what we all need – as we don’t always have our health.
On my journey, I’ve learned that:
- I am lovable and worthy of being treated well
- My core values are my guiding lights – joy, empowerment and courage
- Embracing my individuality is key and allows me to shine because I am different!
- My greatest superpower is being able to see someones soul seed (a term that I coined for their core at a deep level)
- I love to understand others and support them in embracing who they are and shining their light
I'm Here For You!
Having moved through the pain of being different and emerged with the understanding of what a great gift this is,
I am here to support you in embracing who you are and living life your way!
The only thing that you can do about the future is to
make the present as wonderful as possible.
~ Lucinda Curran
Books I’ve Authored and Contributed to
Your potential is a garden waiting to bloom.
Nurture it with intention
and watch the miracles unfold.