Contact Lucinda Curran...

Stay in Contact

Contact me here whether you have questions, want to learn more about my services, or simply want to say hello – I’d love to hear from you!

Fill out the form below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

it's great to see you here -


Based in the vibrant city of Melbourne, Australia, I’m fortunate to work with clients from all around the globe. Thanks to technology, we can connect and collaborate no matter where you are.

Time Zone

Australian Eastern Time – we have daylight savings from October-April.

silver circle - free membership @

If you’re anything like me, not having grown up with social media platforms means that I am wary of privacy…

To solve this, I’ve created a community within my own website – so no Big Brother watching over us!

It is called Silver Circle: The Over 45s Community.

I’d like to invite you to join (it’s free!).

Click here to join us.

Speaking, Training & Workshops

In addition to serving clients locally and internationally, I’ve had the privilege of travelling across Australia and beyond for speaking engagements, workshops, and events. Please reach out if you’d like me to speak at your event.

Your Inner Compass Knows The Way

Trust its guidance, for it leads you to the shores of your dreams.

Your Inner Compass...