Finish the Year Strong

Finish the Year Strong

How To Finish The Year Strong and Tune into What You Really Need

As the final quarter of the year unfolds, many of us find ourselves swept up in the whirlwind of social commitments, work deadlines, and festive preparations. It’s often called the “silly season” for a reason!

There’s pressure to show up everywhere, say yes to every event, and push ourselves to meet the demands of the season. But amid all this activity, have you ever stopped to ask yourself what you really need?

As we begin this final quarter, pause and spend some time in reflection and renewal. Instead of rushing through the next few months, take this opportunity to slow down and check in with yourself.

What if you could finish the year strong, instead of exhausting your reserves, if you could manage your energy in a way that truly supports your wellbeing?

This is where some deep self-inquiry comes in. Journalling is a powerful tool to help you connect with your inner wisdom and bring clarity to what’s most important for you.

Below are a few prompts to help guide you in this process. I encourage you to set aside some quiet time, get comfortable, and write freely in response to these questions. Let them help you tune into your own needs as the year draws to a close.

7 Journal Prompts to Finish the Year Strong

1. At a really deep level, what do I need?

This question invites you to bypass the surface-level ‘to-dos’ and look deeper into what your mind, body, and soul are asking for. Whether it’s more rest, a stronger sense of connection, or time alone to recharge, allow yourself to listen to your inner voice.

2. What commitments truly align with my values, and which ones drain my energy?

Not all activities bring equal satisfaction. Consider which events or tasks light you up and align with what matters most to you, versus those that feel obligatory or depleting.

3. How can I create boundaries that protect my energy during the busiest times?

We can’t say yes to everything. Reflect on where you might need to establish or reinforce boundaries to ensure you’re not overextending yourself.

4. What is one thing I can let go of that no longer serves me?

The end of the year is a great time to release what feels heavy or unnecessary, whether that’s an old habit, a commitment, or an emotional burden.

5. How can I incorporate moments of stillness or self-care into my daily routine?

During chaotic times, small practices of self-care can make all the difference. Explore how you can introduce or enhance moments of mindfulness, relaxation, or reflection to nourish yourself through the end of the year.

6. Who do I want to be at the start of the new year, and how can I embody that now?

Visualise the person you wish to become as the new year begins. What actions, mindset shifts, or choices can you make now that will help you align with that version of yourself?

7. What would it feel like to close the year with peace rather than pressure?

Imagine ending the year feeling peaceful and content rather than stressed and overwhelmed. How can you structure your time and energy to create that sense of ease as the year wraps up?

Some Final Words

As we approach the busiest time of the year, it’s essential to pause and reflect on what truly matters. These prompts are designed to help you connect with your deepest needs and find a sense of calm amid the chaos.

The goal isn’t to “get through” the end of the year but to finish strong – grounded, energised, and aligned with your authentic self.

Take a moment for yourself today, and start asking these important questions. You’re worth it!

Building Joy In Your Life

Building Joy In Your Life

Hey there, lovely souls! Let’s talk about joy!

For me, joy is essential, more important than good health – as from my experience, it overrides everything.

Picture this…

It’s a bright, sunny day, and you’re strolling through a meadow, surrounded by the vibrant colours of blooming flowers. 

Suddenly, a warm sensation fills your chest, spreading through your body like a gentle wave. Your heart feels full and overflowing, a smile spread across your face, you can feel your eyes twinkling as they take in all the beauty around you.

That, my friends, is joy – the pure, unadulterated bliss that lights up our lives and makes every moment sparkle with possibility.

So, what exactly is joy? 

It’s more than just a fleeting emotion; it’s a state of being, a profound sense of happiness that resonates deep within us. 

Joy is more than that, it comes from deep within – your soul, your true self.

It isn’t just about external circumstances – although they can trigger your awareness of it.

Joy gloriously brings peace and contentment, guiding your heart, mind and hand in all you do.


Close your eyes for a moment and tune into your body. Can you feel it? That bubbling sense of excitement in your chest, the tingle of anticipation running down your spine – that’s joy, my friends, and it’s a feeling worth chasing.

How is it different from happiness?

Before we delve deeper into the essence of joy, let’s take a moment to distinguish it from happiness. While the words “joy” and “happiness” are often used interchangeably, they hold distinct meanings that merit exploration. 

Let’s have a look at the differences.

Joy —

  • Is a profound sense of happiness that resonates deep within us
  • Is a state of being, not just a fleeting emotion
  • Comes from deep within – from your soul, your true self
  • Is more about internal contentment and peace rather than external circumstances
  • Is often associated with a sense of fulfilment and purpose

Happiness —

  • Is generally a transient emotion based on external factors
  • Tends to be more fleeting and dependent on specific events or experiences
  • Can be influenced by external circumstances, such as achieving a goal or receiving positive feedback
  • Is often linked to pleasure, satisfaction, or gratification in the moment
  • May fluctuate depending on changes in external conditions

As you can see, while happiness may be fleeting and dependent on external circumstances, joy emerges as a steadfast companion, rooted deeply within the soul. 

Understanding this distinction allows us to embrace the full spectrum of human emotion, paving the way for a more profound sense of contentment and fulfilment in our lives.

Now, you might be wondering, why is joy so important? 

In my opinion, joy is like fuel for the soul. 

It energises us, uplifts us, and infuses every aspect of our lives with positivity. 

When we’re in a state of joy, we’re more creative, more resilient, and more open to the beauty of the world around us.

Joy can help us get through tough times, even health challenges. In fact, I attribute my recovery from my very serious health challenges to having a strong sense of joy.

It can keep us strong, centred and focused ahead, regardless of what’s happening around us.


And let’s face it, life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, is it? 

We all have our moments of darkness, times when joy seems like a distant memory.

So how do we find our way back to that place of bliss when the clouds roll in?

Firstly, it’s essential to recognise when joy is missing from our lives. 

Pay attention to how you feel – are you constantly tired, irritable, or uninspired? 

These could be signs that joy is in short supply. 

Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to take action.

Here are some powerful tools…

Sounds for Joy

Whether it’s through a sound healing session, chanting, or simply listening to the sounds of nature, sound has a profound impact on our emotional well-being. 

Find somewhere to lie down or sit quietly and comfortably. Close your eyes. Focus on hearing all the sounds you can hear from far away – as far as you can hear. Listen for a few minutes, then tune into what is a bit closer. Again, listen for a few minutes, then shift your awareness even closer. Keep going until you are listening to your breathing. Then take it inside you – what can you hear inside your own body?

As you bring your focus back to your surroundings, jot down the sounds that you found pleasant.

In this way, you can experiment with different sounds and vibrations until you find what resonates with you and lifts your spirits.

Practise Gratitude

Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you’re thankful for – no matter how small. 

I believe in the power of writing things down. 

And writing down what you are grateful for can also be something uplifting to read when you are feeling down in the dumps. Bonus!

Once you have written what you are grateful for, the next step is to read them one at a time, pause and feel gratitude and joy for each of them. Truly stop and feel the gratitude and notice how it spreads into joy. 

Gratitude has a magical way of shifting our perspective and opening our hearts to the abundance of joy that surrounds us.

Regularly exploring healing sounds and practising gratitude can reveal their tangible impact on our emotional state, offering actionable pathways to reignite joy in our lives.

And finally, don’t be afraid to seek support. 

Sometimes there’s a cap on what we can do by ourselves – and that is when it is great to reach out to get the support that you need, whether it’s a sound healing session, booking in for a life coaching series, getting therapy, or simply talking to a trusted friend.

Reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Remember, you don’t have to navigate this journey alone.


So, my dear friends, I invite you to embrace joy with open arms. 

Let it fill your heart, nourish your soul, and light up your world with its radiant glow. Because when we choose joy, we choose life – in all its beautiful, messy, glorious splendour.


Until next time, shine bright and keep spreading those rays of joy wherever you go!

Warmest wishes,


Joyful Journey Advent -

I created the Joyful Journey Advent to help you break through the daily struggles, by offering simple, joyful practices to make inner peace achievable every day.

Cllick the button below to find out more.

Embrace Your Inner Strength

Embrace Your Inner Strength

Embracing Your Inner Strength

Hey there! Today I want to explore ways to embrace your inner strength. Let’s dive in.


Have you ever felt like you’re floating downstream, carried along by the currents of life without much say in the matter? 

It’s a common feeling, one that often leaves us feeling powerless and adrift. But here’s the thing – you have more power than you realise. 

It’s time to reclaim it and step into your true strength.

With many clients that I’ve worked with over the years, there are times that they’ve felt completely overwhelmed and like life is out of their control. I’ve experienced this too. 

For my client Joe, it seemed like no matter what he did, he couldn’t catch a break, and he started to lose sight of who he truly was. When he relayed this in-session, he realised that he had been giving away his power – allowing external circumstances to dictate his happiness and sense of self-worth.

It’s Time To Stop Giving Away Your Power

Let’s start by defining it.

What does it mean to “give your power away”? 

Simply put, it’s when we allow outside influences to control how we think, feel, and act. Whether it’s seeking validation from others, comparing ourselves to unrealistic standards, or allowing fear to hold us back – 

Giving away our power diminishes our sense of agency and autonomy.

We do this in many ways – and one of the most common ways is asking everybody for their advice. Another way is scrolling through social media and letting comparisons get the better of us. This can also see “imposter syndrome” creep in.

inner strength bridge image -

There is a way out of this cycle. 

The first step is recognising when we’re falling into the trap of giving away our power. 

How? I hear you ask.

Pause and pay attention to how you feel in different situations.

  • Is there a sense of feeling empowered and in control?
  • Do you feel helpless and overwhelmed? 

By tuning into our emotions and our bodies (even if it is just the flutter of a sensation from within), we can begin to identify patterns of behaviour that are holding us back.

If you aren’t sure what you are feeling, I invite you to tune into the sensations of expansion and contraction.

Here’s a quick exercise to help build this awareness –

Sit quietly. Take a few slow breaths. Place your hands on your heart to bring your attention to this area. Now bring to mind a situation or scenario. Notice if your heart feels expansive (opening, getting bigger, warm are some sensations you might feel) or is it contracting (tightening, getting smaller, making you curl over)?

Repeat this exercise with other scenarios.

The more you do it, the quicker it will  be for you to identify whether you are feeling empowered or overwhelmed.

The Power Within

My question for you is: Do you believe that you have control over the events in your life?

The extent that you feel you can shape your own life is referred to as your “locus of control” (a concept developed by Rotter in 1954).

Those with an internal locus of control believe they have the power to influence their circumstances.

While those with an external locus of control believe that external forces determine their fate.

If you believe that you have some “control” over what happens in your life, you may be more motivated to go for what you want, rather than sit back and wait to see what lands in your lap.

I see there is a blend of empowerment and courage within an internal locus of control because it requires you to reach for what you want and be proactive in your life.


So, how can we reclaim our power? 

It starts with cultivating a sense of inner calm so that we can become aware of our inner wisdom – that deep, intuitive knowing that guides us on our journey. 

Practices like sound healing and life coaching can be powerful tools for connecting with this inner wisdom, helping us tap into our innate strength and resilience.

Cultivating Your Inner Strength

Here are some practices which I’ve found particularly helpful (for myself and my clients) – what I call a “Humming Meditation” and “Aware Breaths.”

Humming Meditation

Sit quietly and soften your gaze.

Take a few deep slow breaths in and out.

Begin to hum – at whatever volume and pitch that you like. Hum for a few minutes – you could start with 2 minutes and build up to 8-10 minutes.

While you are humming, become aware of where in your body you are feeling it. Are your lips buzzing? Or perhaps you can feel it in your chest? Or your throat? Or somewhere else?

When you finish humming, sit in the quietness and notice where in your body you are feeling the remnant vibrations.

Aware Breaths 

If you are out and about, or even at work, you can snatch a few moments to breathe with awareness – I call them “Aware Breaths.”

All you need to do is just slowly inhale to a count of 4. Pause. Then slowly exhale to a count of 6. Pause. Repeat.

It is great to do this for 3+ breaths, but even one can make the world of difference. 

It is truly amazing how quickly Aware Breaths can shift how you feel.


Remember, you are the author of your own story, and you have the power to create the life you desire.

I encourage you to embrace your inner strength and reclaim your power. 

Trust your intuition, listen to your heart, and know that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. 

Shine bright and never forget the incredible power that resides within you.


In love and light,
